Sample only.  Subject to revision.

Museum of Light & Sound

Exhibit and Use Contract for Schools


This contract is made and entered into by and between the Museum of Light & Sound, 3442 State Route 221, Marathon, NY 13803 (hereafter MOLAS) and ___________________________________________________________________ (hereafter School) for the lease and use of MOLAS Exhibits and Activities.


Section 1

Exhibit Description and Operation

1.01 The Exhibit:

The exhibit consists of various exhibit elements and activity tables for of educational purposes.  See exhibit and component list attached.


1.02  Exhibit Display Area The School must provide a minimum of 224 square feet of floor space with ceiling height  minimum of 10 feet high.  Access to the area must be controlled.


1.03 School Supplied Equipment and Materials: The School will provide 2 chairs, 4 tables 30" x 60" or larger, and access to adequate electrical supply (120V, 15A min.)  


1.04  Set up and Removal:  School will assign and provide one person to assist with installation and removal of the exhibit.  This person will be trained and responsible for minor maintenance of exhibit components (see section: 1.06) while in possession of the School.  The School must complete a condition report and inventory of exhibit materials and components, using forms provided by MOLAS, upon arrival and departure of the exhibit.  Forms must be signed and dated by an authorized representative of the School and MOLAS.   


1.05  Exhibit Operations:  The School will have the responsibility for operation of the exhibit, including the payment of all operating costs such as labor, electricity, and related operating expenses.


1.06  Maintenance:  The School will provide a qualified person to maintain the exhibits during the lease period.  This person will be trained by MOLAS staff in exhibit maintenance and will be solely responsible for maintaining materials in operating condition except as noted below.


The School must contact MOLAS immediately if any damage is noted.  The School assumes responsibility for the maintenance and repair of damage to all exhibition components occurring during the period of this agreement.  Such repairs will be made in consultation with MOLAS.  Diagnosis and planned solution to repair problems will normally be made within twenty-four hours of notification.  The School agrees to provide a secure and environmentally suitable storage area for any exhibition material withdrawn from the exhibition for any reason.


1.07 Ownership:  All exhibits and materials are and remain the property of MOLAS and may not be altered, copied, or reproduced in whole or in part.



Section 2

Payment Schedule, Lease term, and Use

2.01  Payment:  The School agrees to pay the rental fee of $ ______________ for the first week of rental and $_______________ for each additional week of rental.  A $100.00 non-refundable deposit is due upon the signing of this contract.


2.02  Lease term:  The opening and closing dates of the exhibit are from _______________  to __________________ .


2.03  Restrictions of Use:  The School will not remove the exhibit, or any of its components, from the designated exhibit space or use the exhibit for any purpose other than education unless expressly authorized in writing by MOLAS.


2.04  Use of Logo:  All Exhibit logos, photos, recordings and similar materials provided to the School by MOLAS will remain the exclusive property of MOLAS and following the termination of this contract no further uses, whatsoever, of this material may be made by the School without the express written consent of MOLAS.


Section 3

Shipping, Installation, and Removal

3.01  Shipping:  MOLAS agrees to schedule all shipping and to deliver the exhibit on the agreed date of __________________________.   Subject to change due to circumstances beyond our control.


3.02 Installation:  MOLAS will have full responsibility for the installation of exhibit materials, however, a representative of the School will be present during the installation and dismantling of the exhibit to provide assistance.  If requested, the School will store crates and shipping materials in a secure indoor environment. The School, at its own expense, shall replace damaged or lost packing materials or packing crates left in their care with comparable materials .


3.03 Removal:  MOLAS will remove exhibit and related materials on the agreed date of _____________________.  Subject to change due to circumstances beyond our control.  The School will provide the assistance of the designated person as specified in section 1.06 to assist in disassembly and removal of all materials under the direction of the MOLAS personnel. 



Section 4

Insurance and Security

4.01  Insurance:  On-site insurance is the responsibility of the School.  Proof of insurance is required 10 days prior to receiving the exhibit in the form of an all-risk policy with the Museum of Light and Sound listed as additionally insured.  This policy should specify that coverage in the amount of $125,000 will take effect upon receipt of the exhibit and all its contents until the exhibit is released to the authorized shippers.


4.02  Security:  The School must provide security for the exhibit from the moment it is received, during all phases of handling and installation, until the exhibit is removed from the premises.  The School agrees to take all necessary measures to provide a safe and secure environment for the exhibit including all fire precautions as required by law or local ordinance.  In addition, smoking, eating, and drinking must be prohibited in the exhibition space and storage areas at all times.



Section 5

General Provisions

5.01  MOLAS will not be held responsible for any claims, damages, suits, or other legal proceedings arising from, or attributed to, improper use of the exhibit during the period it is in the School’s possession.  Further, MOLAS will not be held responsible for financial damages incurred by the School as a result of delays in delivery, or failure to deliver, the exhibit due to circumstances beyond its control.


5.02  MOLAS has the right to cease traveling this exhibit if it deems it is unsafe or not practical to do so. In that event, the School will be refunded any payments it has made.


5.03  The School will be responsible for any shipping, storage, or other expenses resulting from the School’s cancellation of this contract.


5.04  This agreement, when signed below by both parties, constitutes a binding contract between the School and MOLAS.  No changes in the terms of this contract may be made without express written consent of both parties.


I affirm that I have full authority to sign on behalf of the School, that the terms of this contract are understood, and that all terms and conditions will be met.




Your Organization                                      Museum of Light and Sound


_____________________________       _____________________________

Authorized Party and Title                            Jim Rienhardt, Director



_________________                                  ___________________

Date                                                                Date